52 Species: Microbiology

For the past year, I have been taking part in a weekly Twitter project called #52Species. Each week I would feature a different microbial species in a single image to highlight some of the incredible biodiversity found among some of … Continue reading 52 Species: Microbiology

My First Post – Who am I?

Hi there! Welcome to The Postgrad’s Perspective. Who’s the postgrad? Well, that’ll be me! This is my blog about my life as a postgraduate PhD student and (…wait for it) my perspective on science. So who am I? My name is Danny Ward. I am a PhD researcher at the John Innes Centre/University of East Anglia in Norwich, England. This is me below! I work on human and bacterial pathogens (a fancy word for diseases) by carrying out molecular biology, microbiology and biochemistry-based laboratory research. I started in October 2017 so I am still quite new! Before my position at … Continue reading My First Post – Who am I?